3rd World Congress of Scottish Literatures
3rd World Congress of Scottish Literatures 22. - 26. ÄŤerven 2022 www.scotlit2020.ff.cuni.cz Prague Congress Rescheduled for 23-27 June 2021 The Third World Congress of Scottish Literatures, planned to convene on 24 – 28 June 2020 […]
K de Kafka. Presencia del escritor praguense en Hispanoamérica
Typ akce: mezinárodnĂ kolokvium MĂsto: 104/P Organizátor: Ăšstav románskĂ˝ch studiĂ CĂlem sympozia je prozkoumat rĹŻznĂ© podoby pĹ™Ătomnosti Franze Kafky, jeho osobnosti a dĂla v latinskoamerickĂ© literatuĹ™e. Od tĂ©matu absurdity a odcizenĂ modernĂho ÄŤlovÄ›ka, pĹ™es vztah […]
International Summer School of Romanticism
Typ akce: Summer school, workshop MĂsto: Prague Organizátor: Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures The Summer School of Romanticism was founded by Prof. David Duff (Queen Mary University of London) and Prof. Martin Procházka (Charles […]
30th annual conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics
Typ akce: konference MĂsto: Praha Organizátor: Radek Skarnitzl Annual conferences of the association are organized to facilitate the exchange of phonetic and acoustic research, methodology and best practice for the analysis of recordings and interpretation […]
17th Triennal Colloquium of the SITM (SociĂ©tĂ© internationale pour l’Ă©tude du théâtre mĂ©diĂ©val)
Typ akce: konference MĂsto: Praha, FF UK Organizátor: Martin BaĹľil PravidelnĂ˝ vĂ˝roÄŤnĂ kongres mezinárodnĂ spoleÄŤnosti, sdruĹľujĂcĂ badatele rĹŻznĂ˝ch oborĹŻ zabĂ˝vajĂcĂ se stĹ™edovÄ›kĂ˝m divadlem. HlavnĂ tematickĂ© osy kongresu: - StĹ™edovÄ›kĂ© divadlo jako sociokulturnĂ fenomĂ©n - Divadlo […]
Čeština a ostatnà jazyky
Typ akce: konference MĂsto: Praha, FF UK Organizátor: Karel Ĺ ebesta MezinárodnĂ konference vÄ›novaná problematice kontrastivnĂho studia ÄŤeštiny a jinĂ˝ch jazykĹŻ a oblastem styÄŤnĂ˝m. OtevĂrá prostor pro setkávánĂ badatelĹŻ, kteřà pĹŻsobĂ v rĹŻznĂ˝ch vĂ˝zkumnĂ˝ch oblastech propojenĂ˝ch […]
3rd International Conference on Sociolinguistics
Typ akce: konference MĂsto: Praha Organizátor: Filozofická fakulta UK & Ăšstav pro jazyk ÄŤeskĂ˝ AV ÄŚR This conference is conceived of as an accessible new forum for cutting-edge sociolinguistic research. It is open to a […]
Wittgenstein and Philosophy for the 21st Century
Typ akce: mezinárodnĂ konference MĂsto: Praha Organizátor: Jakub Jirsa MezinárodnĂ konference vÄ›novaná vĂ˝znamu Ludwiga Wittgensteina pro souÄŤasnou etiku a politickou filosofii, vÄŤetnÄ› filosofie náboĹľenstvĂ.
Crossroads IV – Migration and Mobility in the Ancient Near East and Egypt
Typ akce: konference MĂsto: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Nam. J. Palacha 2, 116 38 Prague 1 Organizátor: Jana Mynářová The Czech Institute of Egyptology of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University is pleased to […]
Medialatinitas IX: Noastalgia in/and the Middle Ages
Typ akce: konference MĂsto: Praha Organizátor: Lucie DoleĹľalová MezinárodnĂ konference zaměřená pĹ™edevšĂm, ale nejen na latinskĂ© pĂsemnictvĂ stĹ™edovÄ›ku, tentokrát na tĂ©ma Nostalgie. Všichni jsou srdeÄŤnÄ› zváni. Web: https://medialatinitas2022.ff.cuni.cz/