Odlesky helénskeho slunce
Typ akce: VĂ˝stava MĂsto: Galerie Hybernská 4 Organizátor: Ăšstav pro klasickou archeologii Galerie HYB4 v Kampusu Hybernská ve spolupráci s Ăšstavem pro klasickou archeologii FF UK a NárodnĂm památkovĂ˝m Ăşstavem vĂ˝stavu slavnostnÄ› otevĹ™e 10. Ĺ™Ăjna […]
1st International Workshop Rural History and Archeology in Prague. Historiographical perspectives
Typ akce: Workshop MĂsto: Praha Organizátor: Tomáš KlĂr "1st International Workshop Rural History and Archeology in Prague. Historiographical perspectives" - ve spolupráci s UniversitĂ© Toulouse - Jean Jaurès.
Hegel’s Logic of Love
Typ akce: Zvaná pĹ™ednáška MĂsto: HlavnĂ budova FF UK Organizátor: Tereza MatÄ›jÄŤková
Fabrizio Ducati (Palermo): Farms, villas and villages in late roman Sicily: a subregional approach to the landscape evolution
Typ akce: PĹ™ednáškovĂ˝ cyklus AktuálnĂ otázky archeologie / Current Issues in Archaeology MĂsto: Kampus Hybernská, mĂstnost 2D Organizátor: Ăšstav pro klasickou archeologii Web: https://ukar.ff.cuni.cz/cs/2022/10/17/program-cyklu-aktualni-otazky-archeologie-v-zimnim-semestru-2022/
Knowledge, Perception, and Absolute Spirit in Hegel
Typ akce: Zvaná pĹ™ednáška MĂsto: HlavnĂ budova FF UK Organizátor: Tereza MatÄ›jÄŤková
Cultural Links between Irish and Scottish Gaelic
The Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures cordially invites you to the workshop “Cultural Links between Irish and Scottish Gaelic”, organised as part of KREAS project. 11th November 2022 9:30 - 18:00, Room 201, Faculty […]
Současná literatura v irštině a skotské gaelštině: čtenà & debata
VeÄŤer vÄ›novanĂ˝ souÄŤasnĂ© literatuĹ™e v irštinÄ› a skotskĂ© gaelštinÄ›. VystoupĂ pĹ™ednĂ spisovatelĂ© Peter Mackay, Alan Titley, Christopher Whyte a dalšà hostĂ© z Irska a Skotska. ÄŚeskĂ© pĹ™eklady poĹ™Ădili Radvan Markus a Petra Johana Poncarová. 12th […]
Public lecture of Eszter Kováts: Feminism in East-Central Europe: torn between Western hegemonic pressures and right-wing resistance?
Typ akce: pĹ™ednáška MĂsto: Praha Organizátor: Ăšstav politologie FF UK, KREAS Over 30 years after the transformations various socio-economic crises have been hitting the region for the past years that affect social infrastructures critical for […]
Contradictions in Current Art Historical Theory
Typ akce: cyklus pĹ™ednášek a diskusĂ MĂsto: Ăšstav pro dÄ›jiny umÄ›nĂ AV ÄŚR, mĂstnost 117 Organizátor: Richard Biegel, ĂšDU FF UK Cyklus pĹ™ednášek a diskusĂ pro badatele a doktorandy
EU, India and Taiwan: Emerging Geo-Political Dynamics in the Indo-Pacific
Centre for Strategic Regions, Faculty of Arts, Charles University and Stockholm Centre for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs at the Institute for Security and Development Policy Cordially invite you to the panel discussion EU, […]
Druhé setkánà České asociace kognitivnà lingvistiky
Typ akce: workshop MĂsto: VoršĂlská 1, Praha Organizátor: Mirjam Friedová Na akci zaznĂ pĹ™ĂspÄ›vky zahrnujĂcĂch širokĂ© spektrum tĂ©mat od psycholingvistickĂ˝ch studiĂ aĹľ po kulturnÄ› orientovanĂ© pĹ™Ăstupy. S plenárnĂmi pĹ™ednáškami vystoupĂ AneĹľka KuzmiÄŤová (FF UK) a […]